Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hands of a Child Sale

Due to the new CPSIA law In the Hands of a Child, for the time being, is discounting their Kit Pack inventory in order to lessen their possible loss in the event that an exemption is not granted. Take a look at what they have, if you like lapbooking.

Winter fun

The kids ventured out into the snow and ice today to slide down our drive way. I couldn't believe that they stayed out there for almost 2 hours! They got to warm up w/ hot cocoa when they came in!

And left a big mess for me to clean up!

Actually, they ended up cleaning it up themselves!

My Little Prairie Girls

Monday, January 26, 2009


This is what we've been dealing w/ this week:

Snot, snot and more snot! Yuk! This is the only thing that my kids don't having a problem sharing w/ each other.

4th Folder

My friend, Trisha, tagged me to go to my 4th folder and tell about the 4th picture in that folder. This is the picture in that folder:

It was Christmas 2002 and my friend who owns Captured Moments Photography did these for me. I wish I could go back in time for a just a moment and hold these babies again! Sammy was 4, Lizzy was 3, and Sophie was about 10 months old in these.

Here are a few more from that shoot:

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Lizzy turned 9!

It is hard to believe that Lizzy was born 9 years ago. Her birthday was Saturday and we had a party for her and took her to Charleston's for dinner. Happy Birthday Lizzy! I sure do love you!

She wanted cheese cake as her birthday cake. She ended up not liking it.

Her sister, Sadie, used her own money and bought her a game.

Her daddy found her this colonial dress.

Doesn't she look pretty.

Cousins and the best of friends.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My new toaster

This is my new toaster:

It was a Christmas gift from the kids this year. It is stainless steel, has settings for bagels, toast, and frozen bread. It can also toast four slices at a time, which you know if much needed in our house. There is only one flaw about this toaster: it has set off our fire alarm EVERY time we have used it so far. It just doesn't toast right, and it is not a user problem. So, I thought I would take a picture of it, because I have a feeling that I am going to go to my cabinet to get it one day and it won't be there, because Aaron will have thrown it in the trash! Thank you kids for my toaster!

Monday, January 12, 2009

WTMI - Way too much information

We have a bible study called "Balancing the Sword" that I do w/ the children every day as part of our school work. It is a really good tool to use, because you go chapter by chapter in the Bible and answer questions for that chapter. We started in the old testament and are working our way through Deuteronomy right now. I guess I didn't realize how much information was actually in the old testament, w/ regards to daily life. Today's chapter covered the topic of "feces" and how to get rid of it in a proper manner. So, as we are reading along and Sammy comes to that word, he of course wants to know what it means. As you can imagine, after answering his question, I lost control of the study for a few moments and then had to field many, many questions. "Why is poop made of? Did they have to poop in front of everyone since they didn't have a bathroom? So, does that mean we are playing in poop outside? and, it goes on and on. By the time I had answered questions to their satisfaction, Sammy puts his hand to his head and says "I think I am poop sick." I sware, I don't know where he comes up w/ some of his sayings. But, he sure gives me a good, private laugh every now and then!

By the way, if you're intested in Balancing the Sword, you can purchase it at

I finally got them hung!

A year ago this month, my mom took me to buy some new curtains for my kitchen for my birthday. Saturday, I finally went out and bought curtain rods to hang them on. Aaron installed the rods on Sunday and they are finally up!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Back into the swing of things

We started back on school work this week, and it has been tough for all of us. We are all used to sleeping in a little bit later (especially mom). I think we should start taking a vacation AFTER the Christmas holiday, because there are too many activities going on. It would be nice right now to go to some exotic island and lay on the beach, not having to go anywhere or do anything for about a week. I think I am going to vote to do that next year, instead of all the gifts and decorations. I will probably get out voted though!

I think this picture I took of Silas this morning sums up how I have been feeling this week :)