Saturday, June 12, 2010

East Central Meet

The track meet yesterday took place at East Central again. Lizzy took 1st in the 100m and 4th in the 200m. Sadie came in 4th in 100m and 5th in the 200m. You can tell both girls have gotten stronger and are coming out of their blocks quicker. They worked hard the week before this meet, running bleachers and doing strength training. So, they were very sore all week. Their hard work paid off for them!

Here are some more pics of the family. Meemaw and Papaw were able to come this weekend and watch them. The kids enjoyed having them there and weren't ready for them to go home. I know Meemaw and Papaw wanted to stay longer, too. We tried to talk them into moving back to Oklahoma!

Nic did so good yesterday. He liked being down on the ground and feeling the grass.

Silas was flirting with this teenage girl on the track team. He would sit in front of her or beside her and try to get her attention.

Who could resist this charmer?

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