Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Our Christmas 2011

Here are some photos of our Christmas celebration:

There was baking:

And feasting:

And, the reading of the greatest Christmas story:

And, thankfulness for the real reason of Christmas, Jesus Christ:

Excitement of unwrapping one gift on Christmas Eve:

Christmas Eve PJ's:

After they had gone to bed:
My secret code sheet (none of the gifts had their names on them, so they didn't know which was theirs):
Christmas morning instructions:

And, warm fuzzy blankets made for each one:

Our Christmas was not just about getting the things asked for, but giving to those in need. The children put their money together this year and gave to World Vision. They bought 4 ducks, a goat, some medicine and clothing for a family. My heart overflows.

I hope your Christmas was wrapped in the love of Jesus!

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