Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Sadie and The Wildcats

Sadie's team finished a tough 2nd place in her age bracket.  I posted a video of Sadie's game winning shot against the #1 team.  I was the one video taping, so I apologize for my poor taping skills.  The first part is the foul leading to the penalty kick.  At first, she did not want to take the kick because she was afraid she would miss.  But, her coach made her get in there and she nailed it.  It was pretty exciting, as you can tell from the video :).  This is the last season Sadie will play with these girls, because she is going up to a Rec + team next season.  It is a little sad to be leaving this team, because she has played with some of these girls for 4 years or so.  But she is excited as well, because the competition will be tougher and training will be more intense in Rec +.  And, I know she is up for challenge. 

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