Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Other happenings in April

Lizzy's team came in first in their indoor league:

The three older kids went on a youth retreat.  You may have gotten a text from me asking you to pray because of a very BAD stomach virus that broke out while they were there.  About 30% of the people who went got sick.  Thank you for your prayers, NONE of the kids got sick!  Praise the Lord! This pic is after they returned and the gang was reunited (Nic feel asleep in the back seat while we were waiting on them):

Sadie was on the green team at retreat:

 Samuel was on the purple team:

 Lizzy was on the yellow team:

And, I started running again this year.  I ran my first race with a few friends from church.  It was the GOO Run and you basically get green, slimy goo shot at you while you are running.  Yeah, I won't be doing that one again next year.  But, it was fun to run with friends.

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