Sunday, June 28, 2009

Lizzy's State Track Meet

Entry fee for Lizzy to compete in State : $12
Entrance fee for the whole family to watch : $25
Gas to OKC : $75
Gatorade, water, and snacks for the meet : $75
Sitting from 9:00 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. in the 103 degree temps: pure torture
Watching Lizzy place 3rd in the 100m and 2nd in the 200m : PRICELESS!!!

This video is of her final 200m run. She ran it at about 5:00 p.m., after sitting in the 103 degree heat all day. She started out slow and was in 4th place for a little while, until she turned it on at the end and sucked the 2nd place girl up and added a little lean. That lean at the end got her second place!! She qualified for Regionals (not just in one event, but two events) at Wichita State University in 2 weeks. She has blown everyone away w/ her progress and the fact that this was her first year to be in track. I've included some pics of the family. Mom, dad and grandma braved the heat w/ us.

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