Saturday, June 20, 2009

OKC Track Meet

Today we travelled to OKC to Douglas High School for Lizzy's meet. She placed 2nd in the 100m and 3rd in the 200m. She placed 1st in both of her heats, but the 2nd heat was a little faster.

This video shows her 100m race first where she is in lane 7, then goes right into the 200m where she is in lane 5.

Sadie is the only one of her siblings that wanted to brave the heat w/ us. The rest of them stayed w/ mom and dad. Isn't she a great sister for wanting to come and cheer her sister on!

We are so proud of the improvements that she has made in just a few short weeks. She has worked so hard for this. We travel to OKC again, next week for State. If she places there, she would go to Regionals in Wichita, KS.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Booyah for Lizzie . . .Meema & Papa