Monday, September 26, 2011

Back At It

We arrived home from vacation last Tuesday at around 4:30 p.m., just in time to head back out the door to take three of the kids to their practices at 6:00. Yes, we are that crazy! Henry is playing flag football and the girls are still playing soccer. They had to miss a game or two during our vacation and they were not happy about it. They were excited to be back and have had their first games since. They would love for you to come and see them play sometime!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Our Last Day of Vacation - Day Ten

Once we left Mt. Vernon, we drove a few hours to Williamsport, PA, which was about half way to Niagara Falls. We still hadn't told the kids that we were going there. They just assumed that we were heading home after Mt. Vernon. Needless to say, Silas was not happy when he found out that we weren't going home yet. But, the rest of the kids were. Once they started seeing the signs that we were in PA and NY, they began to ask questions. Their daddy just told them we were taking the scenic route. It was a beautiful drive, with lots of farms and old barns.

We even made a stop at a little vegetable stand on the side of the road and bought some ears of corn and the largest zuccini I have seen in awhile (for 50 cents). Once we got into Buffalo, the kids starting seeing the signs for Niagara Falls, and began to put it all together. It was such a gorgeous day to bet there, too. We spent a couple of hours walking thru the parks and taking photos of the falls and then started our trek back home.

This lady wanted to take a picture with Sophie:
We plan to go back someday and go over to the Canadian side:

People boarding a boat that will take you right up to the Falls: Uh, no thanks!

Not too old to hold hands with her daddy:
Lake Erie:

Worn out:
Doesn't he look like a little angel :)

We really had a wonderful vacation and could have kept going. I know it is hard for a lot of people to believe that we actually took such a long road trip with 7 children. We had quite a few comments and stares. One guy actually asked me if I buy the "institutional" size groceries when I grocery shop. We are used to it though. My favorite quote was from a man in Kentucky when I went in to order dinner at a Dairy Queen. He looked at me and said, "Man, that's alot of childrens." Yes, it is alot of childrens and we are blessed!

The only really stressful day was in DC, because of all of the traffic and people. I felt like I was constantly making sure all the kids were on the sidewalk and not near the road. The rest of the time was very enjoyable. Nicky had a few rough patches with having to sit in his car seat for long periods of time. But, other than that, the kids did a great job of playing with each other and doing their activities in their bags that I had packed up for them. And, to answer another question I was asked alot, "No, we did not have a DVD player in the car." I am so thankful to God that we were able to do all these fun things and for keeping us safe along the way. He met our needs and we made some great memories! Thanks for following along with us!

Monday, September 19, 2011

GFRT- Day Nine

We spent day 9 at Mt. Vernon. It was a good day to go as they were having a Colonial Fair and Market on the grounds. They had 18th century attired craftsmen and food and music. This was probably our favorite day of the vacation. When you see the pictures, you'll know why.

This tree was planted shortly after Washington died, very early in the 1800's:

The greenhouse:

The Potomac from the back of the house:

The rest of the pics are some of the artisans and entertainers:

Making chocolate: YUM!

George Washington's tomb:

The gristmill: