Sunday, November 9, 2008

End of the Season

Yesterday was a very busy day for us. I left the house at 8:15 that morning and we didn't get home until 6:30 that night. We had 2 soccer games, 2 team parties, and each of the boys had 3 games each, back to back. It was freezing cold outside and I wasn't sure if the feeling was ever going to come back to my nose. But, we made it, and the season is now over (until Spring). Lizzy had the first game at 9:00. They won 3-2. Lizzy played goalie most of the time and did a good job keeping the other team from scoring.

This is just Lizzy goofing off at Sadie's game. Their papaw bought them all Wagoner Bulldogs shirts.

Her coach opened up his restaurant to us for their team party! Here are the GOLDEN COUGARS!

Sadie's team is called the WILDCATS. They are the cutest bunch of girls! They ended their season w/ just one loss. Sadie is a machine out on the field and is typically the leading scorer. They won their last game 6-2 and had their team party at Mazzio's afterwards. One of the little girls was sick and couldn't make it. We missed you Lauren!

Henry's team is the BANDITS. I don't think I have ever seen more enthusiastic parents than the parents on this team. They were really into football now! I felt sorry for the coach, because I think he had team of boys w/ ADD! I thought this picture told it all:

The BANDITS played 3 games and took 4th place in the tournament. Way to go! Henry was so proud of his trophy.
Samuel's team is the TITANS. His team had a great season, only losing 2 of their games. They played 3 games in the tournament and were in the championship game. Now, I hate losing, but I especially hate losing to a team w/ a big mouthed coach who likes to play a little dirty. And, that's what happened. They lost by 1 touchdown that they were about to score when the other team "tackled" our player to get his flag. The boys were so upset. When they were handing out the trophies, Samuel had tears in his eyes, which caused me to have tears in my eyes. I am glad Samuel got to have this experience. When the coach handed Samuel his trophy, he said that Samuel was the only one all season that never complained about anything. He loved playing football so much, and is already asking to play tackle next year (yikes!). I am so proud of him!

Here are just a few random pictures I took yesterday of them playing:

Samuel lined up on defense.

Samuel trying to get a flag.
This is Samuel's coach making sure he is in the right position.

Handing out trophies!

Henry sizing up the competition.

Henry getting ready to line-up.

Sadie passing the ball to Kelsey.

My pretty girl!

The girls doing their warmup drills.

Lizzy guarding her goal.

Lizzy passing the ball.

I just want to say thank you to my mom and dad. They helped me out w/ the 2 little ones this past season and made things a lot easier for me. Here is Silas in the car w/ mom. We tried to get him to wear this ear muff outside, but he wouldn't keep it on, until he got in the car and didn't need it.

Sophie eating cake at Sadie's team party.

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